The traveltime webservice calculates travel-times for seismic phases using a 1-D spherical earth model.
Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.
Query Usage
There are three ways to specify distance:
/query? (distdeg=<degrees>) [evdepth=<km>] [model=<iasp91|prem|ak135>] [phases=<phaselist>] [format] [output-params] /query? (distkm=<km>) [evdepth=<km>] [model=<iasp91|prem|ak135>] [phases=<phaselist>] [format] [output-params] /query? (evtloc=<LatLonPair>) [evdepth=<km>] (staloc=<LatLonList>) [model=<iasp91|prem|ak135>] [phases=<phaselist>] [format] [output-params]
output-params :: [noheader=<true|false>] [traveltimeonly=<true|false>] [rayparamonly=<true|false>] [mintimeonly=<true|false>] LatLonPair :: [latitude,longitude] LatLonList :: LatLonPair1,LatLonPair2,...,LatLonPairN (..) required parameter [..] optional parameter
The square braces “[]” around the LatLonPair latitude and longitude are required.
All parameters must be separated by ampersands (”&”) as demonstrated in the samples below.
Sample Queries
- /irisws/traveltime/1/query?staloc=[34.946,-106.457]&evloc=[-36.122,-72.898]&evdepth=22.9
- /irisws/traveltime/1/query?evloc=[-36.122,-72.898]&staloc=[-33.45,-70.67],[47.61,-122.33],[47.37,8.55]&evdepth=22.9
- /irisws/traveltime/1/query?distdeg=10,50,100&evdepth=300&phases=S,pSKS,SKKKKKKS,sSKJKP,PPP670s
Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter
parameters | examples | discussion | default | |
model | prem | Name of 1–D earth velocity model to be used. Available models include: iasp91 — by Int’l Assoc of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior prem — Preliminary Reference Earth Model ak135 — Kennett, 1997 |
iasp91 | |
phases | p,P,S,PKP,p410s | Comma separated list of phases1, defaulting to p,s,P,S,Pn,Sn,PcP,ScS,Pdiff,Sdiff,PKP,SKS,PKiKP,SKiKS,PKIKP,SKIKS See TauP documentation for more information |
see discussion | |
evdepth | 20.0 | The depth of the event, in kilometers. | 0.0 | |
Geographical Parameters — Required | ||||
distdeg | 57.4 | Great-circle distance from source to station, in decimal degrees. Specify multiple distances as a comma-separated list | ||
distkm | 100.0 | Distance between the source and station, in kilometers. Use commas to specify multiple distances | ||
evloc | [30.1,-120.0] | The Event location [lat,lon] using decimal degrees. Used in conjunction with staloc |
staloc | [42.0,-150] | Retrieve phases for this comma separated list of station locations Ex. [lat1,lon1],...,[latN,lonN] |
Format Two text-based and one image-based output formats are available. |
format | text | Specify output format. Valid formats include text , json , and svg .If format=svg is specified, a SVG image file is returned showing the raypaths traveling through concentric circles, representing layers of the Earth.Please note that some web browsers might not render the image in the browser and may instead download the file to your workstation. |
Output Parameters By default, values are returned in fixed width columns. more detail |
noheader | true | Suppresses header from the resulting table | false | |
traveltimeonly | true | returns a space–separated list of travel times, in seconds. Note2 | false | |
rayparamonly | true | will return a space-separated list of ray parameters, in sec/deg. | false | |
mintimeonly | true | will only retrieve the first arrival of each phase for each distance | false |
1 Valid arbitrary phases can be made up e.g. sSKJKP
, but invalid phases will be ignored.
2 Travel times are produced in ascending time order regardless of the order in which the phases are specified
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